Monthly Archives: February 2014

Excerpt from the Goethe performance

Daniel Barbiero has embarked on creating a very stimulating and exciting blog. His first entry was based on the expanded cinema performance last Saturday.

Here is the link to his blog
Check it out!

and below is the except posted on soundcloud










Thanks to everyone who attended the DCIFF(Goethe Institut) and the MLK shows. A special thanks to Video Love, Margaret Rorison, Daniel Barbiero, Gary Rouzer, Patricia Doyen, and J. Surak for their major contributions at the Goethe Institut. What a great time! During both events the Super 8 projector ran smoothly!
I would also like to thank the DCIFF and the MLK for the invites and WPFW for the late night radio interview with Bobby Hill.
I will post more on these event in the upcoming weeks.
The DCIST also had a nice plug here-

Films and Sounds in DC at the MLK and the Goethe Institut on 2/20 and 2/22

expanded jpeg reel4

Here are links to the MLK and the Goethe events.

Events at Goethe Institut
super 8 still from reel 4