Monthly Archives: March 2018

People’s Park Reverie in the countries of the mind

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It was a great pleasure to read about my film People’s Park Reverie being screened with Robert Robertson’s Oserake at the Hundred Years Gallery in London a few years ago. This event is mentioned in Robert Robertson’s excellent new book, in the countries of the mind.

I am just starting to dive in, but so far this is a very inspirational and poetic read.

You can purchase it here.
You can view People’s Park Reverie Below-

A few mentions

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A little late on some recent posts from around the globe.
Audio: Special thanks to Pilot Eleven Netlabel (UK) for including Lynlee’s 1314 in their February Highlights edition-Go here

Text: Thanks to Keep Moving Flow(Brazil) for her recent thoughts on In the evening slow ships would emerge-Go here to read
and to L’emergere del possibile (Italy) for including Late Autumn, Early Winter in their 15 most important films in the last five years. This was a special post commemorating their five year anniversary

Audiovisual: Lastly, something recent from a Japanese blog that highlighted A walk in February and Changeable Weather-Go here
Thanks to you all!
Still from: In the evening slow ships would emerge